Baking in the summer is a terrible idea at our house

Whenever we try to get any baking done during the summer at our house, it ends up heating up the entire house.

We have tried to just close the door to the kitchen to keep the heat inside that room only, but that just doesn’t ever work.

I’m not sure why it doesn’t work, but I guess we don’t have great insulation or something like that. We could probably stop all the baking altogether, but we just like it too much. It’s much harder to get rid of all of the heat in the summertime than you would think. I hate the fact that I need the air conditioning so much, though. We spend a small fortune during the summer with all of the time that we spend running the aif conditioning in our house. Since we have started up a home baking business and we’re going to be baking even more this summer than usual, I’ve decided that we are going to have to get the HVAC company to come out here and take a look at the situation for us. I know that they would probably be able to give us some good suggestions for lowering the cooling bills this summer. I’m definitely going to ask them whenever they come out here, that’s for sure. I think that we might end up purchasing something called a ductless mini split air conditioning system to put into the kitchen. Maybe we will just close the rest of the house off from the kitchen so the heat from the baking won’t be able to get to it.

cooling industry

I think that we should get a new smart thermostat

I really think that we should get a new smart thermostat for our house, but our old one is still working.

My husband does not think that we need to get a new smart thermostat, but he doesn’t know as much about it as I do.

I am one of those people who does a lot of research just for fun. I’m always looking at different things and trying to figure out what the best product is. I make a lot of spreadsheets and I really drive my husband crazy with all the facts and figures that I come up with when we are trying to make a new purchase for our home. I know that it’s annoying to him, but I also know that I have saved us a ton of money and aggravation over the years with my great research skills. Well, at this point in our lives, we really need to get a new smart thermostat because it would help us to save money on our heating and cooling bills. I know that smart thermostats are much more energy efficient than any other kind because they can run the heating and cooling schedule for everyone in your family. They can also regulate the thermostat settings to coincide with your heating and cooling needs. They might cost a little bit more upfront, but it’s totally worth it in the end. My husband just doesn’t understand all this. He thinks that it’s too expensive for us to get right now. I just know that I am right! He will figure it out eventually. I plan to have another spreadsheet of all of the heating and cooling bills so he can see it for himself in black and white.



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No end in sight

This has become really bad where I live in terms of the air quality.

  • It did not used to be this way.

This has been in the last 6 months for some reason we have had constant bad air quality. It is every single day in one form or another. But the worst seems to be towards the middle to end of the week every single week. I simply can not live like this anymore. So what I have decided that I was going to do is make a major investment and get a whole home air purification system for my home. The whole home air purification system is going to be so expensive that I will need to get a bank loan, but I am really willing and ready to do it! The whole home air purification system will go into my central heating and air conditioning unit and become part of it. All will be controlled from the thermostat on the wall in my living room. And then from there the whole home air purification system will work in conjunction with the central heating and air conditioning system to be able to purify the air in my home no matter how bad it is outside. Portable air purification systems will not work. That is how serious and bad this air quality is. I could move but I don’t have a way to do that because my job is here. So the bank loan investment into a whole home air purification system is going to be the only answer to both survive and be able to keep my job.

hvac professional

After a day of this

I work as an auto mechanic and all week every single day I am fixing cars and have all the fumes of exhaust all around me.

  • This makes for being around bad air quality and a lot of heat all the time! Especially in the warm summer time months of the year.

When I am done for the day and on the weekends all I want to do is be in the comfort of my own home with my central air conditioning system and my whole home air purification system. I have one of the best central heating and air conditioning systems available on today’s HVAC market. And with that I also have a whole home air purification system. Both the central heating and air conditioning unit and the whole home air purification system run together and they are more or less an all in one system the way I have it set up. I spent a lot of money on this and it was quite the investment. But it was a well worth it investment to be able to have the great indoor comfort that I desire after working all day around bad air quality and heat because of the cars and the trucks that I work on at the mechanic garage. Do not get me wrong, I do like my job and my career and I am glad to have it. How else do you think I was able to invest in this great central heating and air conditioning system and the whole home air purification system that goes with it?


central heating

Cut them down

I have the worst allergies on the planet in my opinion.

And in my area we have tons of weeds that grow all over the place which does not help my allergies.

It brings all kinds of allergens into the air like pollen and ragweed. It makes me choke, cough and sneeze my face off. I had a major sneezing attack that would not stop for hours the other night and I could not sleep as a result. So what I am going to do is call a landscaping service to cut down every single weed and small tree around my house. Then after that I am going to go out and buy a few portable air purification systems. I figure with getting rid of all those weeds around the property plus the portable air purification system it will work to make my allergies subside a little bit if not all together. The main thing is I need better air quality around here. Cause this air quality is kicking my rear end to the point where I am not sleeping and having problems just generally living day to day life because of it all. But cutting the weeds and the small tree is the first step in trying to improve the air quality that is all around me. Then you will add the portable air purification system around it. This all together should change things for me for the better and give me a better quality of life. At least I hope so! I am going to have all this done by the end of next week.


heater for sale

What exactly is it?

I had been doing a lot of research on the internet lately to find out more information about heating and air conditioning systems and anything heat and a/c related.

It has been pretty interesting seeing the different types of heating and cooling out there and reading a little bit about when they came on the market and how they were created.

One thing I came across was something about a forced air heating and air conditioning system. This I could not find more information about. So the question of the day here is, what on earth is a forced air heating and air conditioning system? I see tons of forced air heating and air conditioning systems for sale, but I can not find one bit of information on the history of forced air heating and air conditioning system units, when they came on the heat and a/c market and what they do. I am not currently in the market for a brand new and up to date central heating and air conditioning system anyhow, so it is something I am not going to really even worry about right now. But for the next time I am in the market for a brand new and up to date central heating and air conditioning system, I would like to know more information about a forced air central heating and air conditioning system unit. It could be something beneficial to me and something I want to buy! But I need more information about forced air heating and cooling first.


Heat pump install

Science plays a big part

I never really thought about it before, but science plays a big part in all the great heating and air conditioning technology that we have today.

It is in fact science that creates all this constantly building heating and air conditioning technology.

I always wondered if secretly scientists are actually who creates the heating and cooling technology of the world and if maybe scientists actually created the concept of heating and air conditioning long ago. It is a wonder that shall never be confirmed or known for sure. But one thing is for certain, and that is science plays a part in heating and air conditioning technology today more than it ever has before in the past. As a matter of fact I just went out and bought one of those modern smart thermostats the other day and it was really amazing just seeing how it works. The fact that you can control your central heating and air conditioning system from virtually anywhere in the world is totally mind blowing. Also this smart thermostat actually helps reduce the use of your central heating and air conditioning system which in turn will make you save money on your energy bills. Again, this is all thanks to modern science creating the best and totally wonderful in heating and air conditioning technology. I will be curious to see what happens with more heating and air conditioning technology in the next year or so. I bet it will get so good that I will want to invest in a brand new and up to date central heating and cooling system unit!




Lighter and better

One thing I have noticed about today’s central heating and air conditioning systems is that they are very light compared to the older central heating and air conditioning system units.

Lighter and more powerful.

This is just one of the amazon miracles of today’s heating and air conditioning technology. Heating and air conditioning systems have always been advancing as the years have moved on. You never know what you are going to get from year to year. And the thing is they still keep figuring out a way to get better! I never thought that I would see the day where a central heating and air conditioning system would be lighter in weight and more powerful all at the same time. I do not know how they do it and how it is even possible, but these are today’s central heating and air conditioning systems. I just bought a brand new and up to date central heating and air conditioning system. And the central heating and air conditioning system that I bought was so light in weight that one single heat and a/c specialist could move it themselves by simply picking it up and placing it on a dollie. That is how light weight they are. If it was a little smaller, the heating and air conditioning specialist would have for sure been able to just pick up and carry it themselves all the way to the backyard where it needed to be placed and installed at. Modern heat and a/c technology really amazes me more and more everyday!


boiler repair

Buying the latest

I am someone who is always up to date and hip to the latest heating and air conditioning technology. If I can when I hear about something new on the heating and air conditioning market I usually rush right out and buy it if it is not a whole new central heating and cooling system. Those usually I have to wait on until I can invest the money in a new heat and a/c unit. But when it comes to new thermostats, portable air conditioning systems and portable space heaters, i’m there! I have so many different forms of heating and air conditioning products in my home some may call me a hoarder. This is how much I always am into getting the latest and greatest in heating and air conditioning technology. Heat and a/c technology seems to be growing more and more each year. You never really know what is coming next or what to expect on the horizon. I can still remember when they first introduced the smart thermostat. I was so blown away by the concept and could not believe it. I ran right out to buy the smart thermostat and had it installed and ready to go the same exact day. And wow! I was really impressed. To this day I still have that very same smart thermostat controlling my central heating and air conditioning system unit. And it works just as good as the day that I originally bought it. Now that is great made heating and cooling technology! Like I said, heating and air conditioning technology will just keep on growing and getting better with each and every single year!



a/c care program

It was a great investment

If you can afford the investment and already do not have radiant heated floors I really would suggest investing in them.

I can not tell you how happy I am that I invested into radiant heated floors for my home. It was a tough decision to make to even go this route because I was not sure if they were going to be better, worse or no change from my regular central heating that I had been using for years. Well, I am so glad I decided to take the chance and invest the money into the radiant heated floors because these are the best form of heating I have ever experienced! Also these radiant heated floors have saved me a lot of money on my energy bills because they do no take up a lot of energy due to the fact that most of the heating is ran by way of hot water pipes instead of electric. I have been so happy with these radiant heated floors. If you can afford the investment and already do not have radiant heated floors I really would suggest investing in them. They will make your life so much easier in the cold winter time months of the year and also it will save you so much money on those electric bills. In time, the radiant heated floors will end up paying for themselves from all the savings you will be having on the electric bills. I could not believe it myself when I first seen the reduction in bills. Then on top of that how great the radiant heated floors heated my home all together.

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