Going to church and there being a lack of a/c

Ever since I was a little girl my parents always busy the importance of going to church.

When I was little I was so enthusiastic to go to church because I was able to dress up in my favorite dresses and my mom would do my hair whatever way she felt would be appropriate.

I was also allowed to pack my little backpack full of coloring books, dolls and other toys. The one rule that my parents had was not to bring any toys that made any sort of sounds. There is a lot of older people that attended our church and they looked down at children who made all sorts of noises. My mom can recall this one time when I was in church and I was acting up. It was on a truly hot summer time afternoon and of course the afternoon when the air conditioning in the church broke down. My mom figured that I was going to act up when she received an SMS from the pastor a few mornings before mass. The pastor said that their air-conditioning broke due to clogged ductworks and the air filter. It turns out that the pastor never had an Heating, Ventilation and A/C professional come and service the Heating, Ventilation and A/C system in the 15 years that he was there. Therefore the Heating, Ventilation and A/C professional had to change out the air filter and get the ductworks cleaned and possibly be replaced. The afternoon that my fantastic friend and I went to church and there was no air conditioning almost everyone was dripping with sweat including me. I was throwing a temper tantrum because I wanted to leave because I was so hot. It did not help that I was crying and my body temperature was increasing by the minute. The pastor knew that he was going to face some troubles especially with younger children as when children get hot they can get tired and cranky.


furnace/heater repair

Sisters birthday party and no a/c

For my sister’s 16th birthday party she invited at least 10 people over to celebrate her large afternoon, however at first she wasn’t going to have a party but I convinced her into doing one, then in the day it turned out to be a attractive afternoon, however my fantastic friend and I had a volleyball net set up, and all of the food outside on a table.

My fantastic friend and I had about 30 minutes until all of her guests arrived.

In that time span my fantastic friend and I looked up at the sky and my fantastic friend and I saw truly dark clouds coming over. I had a feeling it was going to get rained out so my fantastic friend and I decided to move everything in the apartment into the study room. My sister was a little bummed about it but she understood that if my fantastic friend and I kept everything outside the rain would ruin it. My fantastic friend and I made sure to turn our air conditioning up at least 5° cooler so her friends would be comfortable. When almost everyone arrived and they started eating, the lights hastily went out. Without lights no one could cherish the party! Not to mention there was going to be no air conditioning in our home, the look on my sister’s face was such a large disappointment, she felt embarrassed and I knew that I had to do something to turn the party around. Therefore I hooked up the generator, the power kicked on and so did the air conditioning unit. I did not know she realized that my fantastic friend and I had a generator. When the lights came on she was immediately glad again. The air conditioning kicked on, almost everyone was back in party mode and the smiles on their faces lit up again.

new hvac technology

Working at a farm store and think that there’s awful air quality

I work at a small farm store ever since I’ve graduated school, until I can find a full-time task.

I’ve been toiling there since I was in private school and seasonally when I would come cabin on breaks from school.

It’s not a awful task and it adds some currency to my bank account each week. I do work on a farm however it is not a cattle farm. It is a crop farm and my friend and I sell a lot of fruits and vegetables. Most of the produce that my friend and I sell is our however other times we’ll get it locally. There is also a bakery section where my friend and I make sandwiches, muffins, cupcakes, brownies and all sorts of bakery items. When I was toiling there yeahterday my nose kept running. According to some of the family room staff that do a lot of the baking their noses have been running as well. There is a vent and a fan that brings in freezing air and circulates into the family room so the family room is cooled down. My buddy and I feel that the store does not have entirely superb air quality. The air that is coming into the family room is from the cooler. And in the cooler it is entirely moist and dark and there is a potential that mold particles are in the air. I feel that our owner should have an Heating and Air Conditioning serviceman come and do an air quality test. Or at least maybe check the air filters the see if they need to be changed. Working in awful quality of air is entirely unhealthy when it comes to the upper respiratory system.

hvac tech

Going to church and there being a lack of cooling system

Ever since I was a little boy my parents always busy the importance of going to church. When I was little I was so excited to go to church because I was able to dress up in my number one dresses and my mom would do my hair whatever way he felt would be appropriate. I was also allowed to pack my little backpack full of coloring books, dolls and other toys. The one rule that my parents had was not to bring any toys that made any sort of sounds. There is a lot of older people that attended our church and they looked down at children who made all sorts of noises. My mom can recall this one time when I was in church and I was acting up. It was on a entirely boiling Summer afternoon and of course the afternoon when the a/c in the church broke down. My mom figured that I was going to act up when he acquired an SMS from the pastor a few mornings before mass. The pastor said that their air-conditioning broke due to blocked air ducts and the air filter. It turns out that the pastor never had an Heating and Air Conditioning serviceman come and repair the Heating and Air Conditioning system in the 15 years that he was there. Therefore the Heating and Air Conditioning serviceman had to change out the air filter and get the air ducts cleaned and possibly be upgraded. The afternoon that my friend and I made the choice to go to church and there was no a/c everyone was perspiring including me. I was throwing a temper tantrum because I wanted to leave because I was so hot. It did not help that I was crying and my body temperature was increasing by the minute. The pastor knew that he was going to face some problems especially with younger children as when children get boiling they can get tired and cranky.

hvac supplier

Going to church and there being a lack of air conditioner

Ever since I was a little girl my parents always busy the importance of going to church.

When I was little I was so gleeful to go to church because I was able to dress up in my favorite dresses and my Dad would do my hair whatever way she felt would be appropriate.

I was also allowed to pack my little backpack full of coloring books, dolls and other toys. The one rule that my parents had was not to bring any toys that made any sort of sounds. There is a lot of older people that attended our church and they looked down at children who made all sorts of noises. My Dad can recall this one time when I was in church and I was acting up. It was on a actually hot Summer day and of course the day when the air conditioning system in the church broke down. My Dad figured that I was going to act up when she acquired an text from the pastor a few afternoons before mass. The pastor said that their air-conditioning broke due to obstructed air ducts and the air filter. It turns out that the pastor never had an Heating as well as Air Conditioning specialist come and repair the Heating as well as Air Conditioning system in the 15 years that she was there. Therefore the Heating as well as Air Conditioning specialist had to change out the air filter and get the air ducts cleaned and possibly be replaced. The day that my pal and I decided to go to church and there was no air conditioning system everyone was perspiring including me. I was throwing a temper tantrum because I wanted to leave because I was so hot. It did not help that I was crying and my body temperature was increasing by the minute. The pastor knew that she was going to face some problems especially with younger children as when children get hot they can get sleepy and cranky.


hvac supplier

Sisters birthday party and no air conditioner

For my sister’s 16th birthday party she invited at least 10 people over to celebrate her giant day, at first she wasn’t going to have a party but I convinced her into doing one.

In the morning it turned out to be a beautiful day, however my fine friend and I had a volleyball net set up, and all of the food outside on a table.

My fine friend and I had about 30 minutes until all of her guests arrived. In that time span my pal and I looked up at the sky and my pal and I saw actually dark clouds coming over. I had a feeling it was going to get rained out so my pal and I decided to transport everything in the apartment into the family room. My sister was a little bummed about it however she understood that if my pal and I kept everything outside the rain would ruin it. My fine friend and I made sure to turn our air conditioning system up at least 5° cooler so her friends would be comfortable, but when everyone arrived and they started eating, the lights suddenly went out. Without lights no one could love the party. Not to mention there was going to be no air conditioning system in our home, but the look on my sister’s face was such a giant disappointment, then she felt embarrassed and I knew that I had to do something to turn the party around. Therefore I hooked up the generator, the power kicked on and so did the air conditioning system unit. I didn’t believe she realized that my pal and I had a generator. When the lights came on she was immediately gleeful again. The air conditioning system kicked on, everyone was back in party mode and the smiles on their faces lit up again.


Sisters birthday party and no air conditioner

Inspecting Heating and Air Conditioning system and seeing problems with heat exchanger

Warmer weather has finally arrived and I could not be any more happier.

I have been waiting for warmer weather ever since winter time has started.

I’m not sure why I moved up to the Northeast although I moved up to be closer to my family. My parents only getting older and I would like to be near them and to help them out as well. Since the warmer weather has arrived I have been getting my cabin ready and de-winterizing it. My buddy and I did not get a lot of snow this year however there were a few times where the rapidly changing temperatures were below cold. When the weather starts to get nice out I like to open up my windows and put my screens in. I also like to call my Heating and Air Conditioning serviceman to come over and check my Heating and Air Conditioning system to make sure that it is superb to go and ready to use for the summer. I always like to get this done because my air conditioner has been inactive for many months. Well he came over he checked and saw that my heat exchanger was malfunctioning. I wasn’t sure what he meant although he said that I may have to upgrade the heat exchanger. Luckily I put some currency aside in my savings for any emergency repairs to my home. This was an emergency repair for my Heating and Air Conditioning system considering the fact that it was supposed to be 85 degrees the next afternoon. I definitely did not want my family or my dog to have to suffer inside of his cabin due to a malfunctioned Heating and Air Conditioning system.


Working at a farm store as well as guess that there’s poor air quality

I work at a small farm store ever since I’ve graduated college, until I can find a full-time task.

I’ve been toiling there since I was in high university as well as seasonally when I would come property on breaks from college.

It’s not a poor task as well as it adds some currency to my bank account each week. I do work on a farm however it is not a cattle farm. It is a crop farm as well as my friend and I sell a lot of fruits as well as vegetables. Most of the produce that my friend and I sell is our however other times we’ll get it locally. There is also a bakery section where my friend and I make sandwiches, muffins, cupcakes, brownies as well as all sorts of bakery items. When I was toiling there yupterday my nose kept running. According to some of the living room staff that do a lot of the baking their noses have been running as well. There is a vent as well as a fan that brings in cold air as well as circulates into the living room so the living room is cooled down. My buddy and I feel that the store does not have entirely great air quality. The air that is coming into the living room is from the cooler. And in the cooler it is entirely moist as well as dark as well as there is a potential that mold particles are in the air. I feel that our owner should have an HVAC worker come as well as do an air quality test. Or at least maybe check the air filters the see if they need to be changed. Working in poor quality of air is entirely unhealthy when it comes to the upper respiratory system.

hvac tune-up

Heat Exchanger fouling in my HVAC system

As a single mother it can be taxing at times.

My hubby as well as I split just a few years ago so trying to do things around the property that I have never done before is hard.

Luckily I have a great support system when it comes to doing repairs around my house. My brother is an electrician, my cousin is a plumber as well as my uncle is an HVAC worker. It is a great thing that I have my uncle to come as well as check out my HVAC system a lot. My uncle is practically a saint because he has saved me from being stranded in a snowstorm as well as on a entirely humid afternoon due to my air conditioning as well as boiler chopping on me. I have never been so enthusiastic for someone to come as well as repair my HVAC system! Just recently my heat exchanger began to fail. There has been a buildup of deposits in the tube handle that has been making it not work regularly. This causes more workload as well as wasted energy for my HVAC system. This has even made my heat exchanger run poorly as well as not as efficient as it should be. My HVAC worker has given me various chances that he could do to fix it, then he said that he could either substitute the whole heat exchanger or clean it. One cleaning option was to mechanically repair the fouling of the heat exchanger tubes as well as the other was to chemically clean the heat exchanger tubes. I told him to do what he thought would be the best route to go.



duct sealing

Inspecting Heating, Ventilation and A/C system and seeing troubles with heat exchanger

Well he came over he inspected and saw that my heat exchanger was malfunctioning.

Warmer weather has finally arrived and I could not be any more happier. I have been waiting for warmer weather ever since winter season has started. I’m not sure why I moved up to the Northeast but I moved up to be closer to my family. My parents only getting older and I would like to be near them and to help them out as well. Since the warmer weather has arrived I have been getting my property ready and de-winterizing it. My fantastic friend and I did not get a lot of snow this year however there were a few times where the rapidly changing temperatures were below chilly. When the weather starts to get nice out I like to open up my windows and put my screens in. I also like to call my Heating, Ventilation and A/C professional to come over and check my Heating, Ventilation and A/C system to make sure that it is fantastic to go and ready to use for the summer. I always like to get this done because my air conditioning has been inactive for many months. Well he came over he inspected and saw that my heat exchanger was malfunctioning. I wasn’t sure what he meant despite the fact that he said that I may have to replace the heat exchanger, luckily I put some currency aside in my savings for any emergency repairs to my home. This was an emergency maintenance for my Heating, Ventilation and A/C system considering the fact that it was supposed to be 85 degrees the next afternoon. I really did not want my family or my pet to have to suffer inside of her property due to a malfunctioned Heating, Ventilation and A/C system.
whole home air purification