My son cried when I kicked the furnace.

My son thought the HVAC tech was a furnace doctor and I had to have the furnace repaired because I kicked it so hard

My son is at the age where he thinks everything has feelings just like we do. I have tried to tell him that his bunny won’t drown when we put him in the washer, but he still stands watch when the washer is running. He squeals and hugs the bunny when he comes out clean and in good shape. He cries when I take the dog out for a walk because he doesn’t have shoes and socks on, so I had to buy paw pads for our puppy. Last week, our furnace wouldn’t start. My dad’s thing was that if it didn’t work, kick it before calling a maintenance man. The only things the kick did was hurt my toe because I had my slippers on, and make my son cry because I kicked the furnace. I tried explaining that the furnace was a machine and it couldn’t be hurt, but he was unconsolable. He cried because I kicked the furnace, and I felt bad because I told him he should never kick anyone or anything. It was really hard to explain to the HVAC technician. My son thought the HVAC tech was a furnace doctor and I had to have the furnace repaired because I kicked it so hard. He told the HVAC tech how I kicked it and broke just because it wouldn’t start when I told it to. He elaborated that if he kicked the puppy when he wouldn’t move, he would have been spanked, which made the HVAC chuckle. He looked at me and I didn’t even want to think what was going through his head, but he quietly fixed the furnace and told my son to teach mommy not to kick things.

Electric heating