My roommate was staring at myself and others when I woke up

One of the first encounters I had with our current roommate was definitely bizarre & bizarre. The guy moved into our beach house & the two of us did not recognize each other well at all. He answered an advertisement that I arenad on the internet. The guy has enjoyable references & a security deposit too. He seemed likable enough, so I thought he would be a enjoyable fit. Not many of afternoons after the guy moved into the house, I woke up & found the guy staring at me. He was standing next to our bed on a small chair & he was literally 6in away from our face. I started to scream when I woke up & saw his face. At first, I thought he was sleeping in our bed. Then I realized he was on a chair next to the bed. I immediately demanded a reason for the intrusion in our personal space. I knew the door was closed when I went to sleep. The guys started rambling on about the furnace & the indoor temperature. My current roommate Jack did not want to wake myself and others up to tell myself and others about the concern with the furnace. He decided to let myself and others sleep, which I thought was easily nice. I thought it was creepy that he sat next to the bed & waited for myself and others to wake up. Also, the furnace wasn’t on at the time. I’ve had a couple of other odd encounters with Jack, but that a single was definitely the strangest. I definitely hope I did not make a mistake when I decided to let a stranger move into our home.


oil heater