My husband offered to install an air purification system in our friend’s house

My husband offered to install an air purification system in our friend’s house.

My husband and I just got an air purification system installed in our home about three months ago.

We absolutely love having it. Our friend, Terry, visited us a few days ago, and he asked us all sorts of questions about our air purification system. I knew that he was thinking about getting one himself because he went on and on with questions. He was not sure if he could afford to get one installed in his home though. My husband helped the man that installed ours in our home, so my husband knew how to instal an air purification system. He told Terry all that he had done to instal ours, and then, he offered to instal one for Terry. We were actually surprised when Terry took my husband up on his offer. It was a quick decision that we weren’t really expecting. I am so glad that my husband is able to help him though. I am even more excited that Terry will be able to have clean air to breathe. He has a lot of trouble with his lungs, and having an air purification system in his home will probably help him a lot. He was a smoker for many years, and it pretty much ruined his lungs. I just hope that this new air purification system will help him enough to keep him from having to move. His house still has residue from cigarettes even though he had professional clean it. His doctor told him that he may have to move, but hopefully with this new air purifying system, he won’t have to.

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