My dad told myself and others to wait until the weekend

Tuesday day, I came home from work & there was really no heat in our mobile home.

I was frantic & upset & I right away called the heating repair company in town.

Two hours after I made the phone call, a young heating company repair company showed up at our home. It did not take long for the guy to provide myself and others the exhausting news, and he told myself and others that I needed a brand current furnace. The hefty bill for the installation & current device was almost $2,000. I did not have $2,000 to pay for the current furnace, so I called our dad for a loan, however when our dad heard the outrageous installation fees, he told myself and others to wait until the weekend. He gave to pay for the current furnace & help myself and others install the component if I was willing to wait until Tuesday. I told our dad that it was genuinely cold in the house. He sent myself and others $50 so I could buy a space furnace until the weekend. It was genuinely cold on Thursday & I thought about getting a loan to pay for the current furnace, but our dad promised to help. Tuesday day, our dad came to the condo with a measuring tape. He took a couple of pictures of the furnace & he took measurements of the area where the furnace sits. The more than one of us went to a hardware store to choice up a current heating device for our mobile home. My Dad paid for everything & he helped myself and others install the device that day.

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