My cat loves the outdoors, so I get my front porch heated flooring

My cat is an outdoor lover, but even though he has a giant animal bed, tons of scratch posts, a lounger and toys, he prefers being outside.

He wants to go outside around 4PM and stay there until 9AM the next afternoon.

I don’t like him being out there since it seems dangerous, on nights where it is windy and rainy, I put him in his outdoor animal enclosure. He has a door through a window so he can get in the house. If he wants to be outside, he can be though. What was a game changer was adding heating to his outdoor animal enclosure. I started with just a heating pad that I wrapped in a towel and put on a chair, and that turned out not to be good enough! My temperature gets down into the teens in the winter season time. The animal enclosure was genuinely just space of our front porch encased in chicken wire. I decided adding heated flooring to the section would be worth it. I wanted to have heated flooring throughout the whole space, then being able to sit and read but experience fresh air would be worth it. Also our kitty would be able to be in his enclosure but not be cold. It was a challenge constructing the front porch out of material that would work with heated flooring. Eventually I got it though. Having radiant heating right out our front door is awesome. I never have snow on our porch or guess frigid in the winter season time. My cat prefers it and sits out there all the time.


Hot water boiler