Looking to get a dual fuel system after moving up north for a up-to-date task

Work for union electricians was starting to dry up in my hometown.

It’s a shame because I managed to leverage a task while the two of us were in my last year at technical school, & it paid well.

I never had to transfer & still got to see all of my friends from high school as I slowly moved out of my parent’s house. That task was enjoyable for multiple years, however now the primary company contracting my union for work is closing shop & selling their assets. On a single hand I’m happy they gave us a multiple month notice, however it was still jarring when I heard the news. I did the only thing I could do—I tried to keep my head up & looked for union tasks all over the country. I told myself that I was ready to transfer just about anywhere for work short of a flood plain or a ghost town. After applying to task chances in 12 weird cities throughout the country, I happily accepted the first task offer that I was given. However, there was an issue about the temperature that I failed to prepare for, & that is the cold weather here in Autumn, winter, & most of Springtime. I had no option however to accept a task up north, however it’s worse because my neighborhood is close to the Canadian border. It’s so cold here that I am getting price quotes right now on a dual fuel furnace. In my case I would be getting a heat pump for temperatures above 20 degrees & a gas furnace for temperatures below 20 degrees. This is perfect for temperatures that are cold throughout the year. You save a lot of money using the heat pump in temperatures above 20 degrees.

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