Looking and feeling young

I recently turned 55 years old.

I have three grown children who are married with homes and careers. Despite getting older, I have not changed my lifestyle or slowed down in any way. I continue to help my kids renovate their homes. They call on me to replace windows, put up drywall, sand wood floors and paint ceiling. I haven’t kept the same weight since I was in my twenties. I often get mistaken for a sibling rather than the mother of my children. I’ve never had any serious illness or major injury. I believe that my youthful appearance and good health is because of my dedication to physical fitness. I’ve devoted an hour to working out every morning since I was a teenager. I often run six miles for my workout. I sometimes ride my bike or jump rope. I lift weights and do lots of squats, lunges, pushups and ab crunches. I am conscientious about varying the focus of my workouts to include all different muscle groups. I include a dedicated warm up and cool down and spend quite a bit of time on improving flexibility. Along with exercise, I am very careful about what I eat. I am a vegetarian, and I stay away from fast foods, caffeine, saturated fats, alcohol and tobacco. I follow a comprehensive skincare regimen every night and make an effort to get plenty of sleep. Because of these efforts, I not only look good but feel strong and healthy. I have lots of energy and stamina. While I know that old age will eventually catch up to me, I hope to continue an active and full lifestyle for as long as possible.

Group Fitness Training Classes