Last spring, the A/C tore up when the weather started heating up

Last spring, the A/C tore up on us when the weather started heating up.

I don’t usually care all that much about using the air conditioning that early in the year, but last year it was a little bit different for me.

I was pregnant and so I got hot really easily. The whole winter that year, I was super hot and so I wouldn’t even let my husband turn the heating system on in the house, even though everyone else in the family was freezing. They all got mad at me because I refused to let them turn the temperature up on the thermostat, but I didn’t care. I honestly really only cared about myself at that point. I don’t know if I’m the only person who is super selfish when I’m pregnant, but I have the feeling that other women get the same way sometimes! I was just so hot and uncomfortable that I wanted relief from it, no matter who else had to suffer from it. It was the same way in the spring whenever the weather started heating up outside, too. I wasn’t about to feel all hot and sweaty inside of the house when I had a perfectly good air conditioning system that I could turn on so that I could get relief. However, the problem ended up being the fact that it wasn’t a perfectly good air conditioning system after all! It was broken! My husband said it was fine because we had weeks until it would be warm enough outside to need the air conditioning. When he said that, I just looked at him with a look that said otherwise. He picked up the phone and called the HVAC company right then!

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