Keeping cool at the family party

Every Spring, my family constantly gets together to have a big picnic.

The two of us commonly go to a nice park where they have playgrounds plus a swimming pool.

Well, this last time the two of us went for our family party, the two of us couldn’t suppose how overheated it was. It was early Spring, yet the temperature was in the 90s! It was so blazing hot, yet the two of us were out there preparing to grill food plus everything. I said to my brother that there had to be a way to cool down at the pavilion that the two of us had. That’s when he said the two of us could maybe rent a few s. I started laughing because it sounded ridiculous, however after that I realized that he was serious. He said he knew of a rental Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C dealer that wasn’t far away from where the two of us were. He figured the two of us better call early though because a lot of people would be renting their air conditioning systems. The two of us ended up calling them up plus luckyly they had more than one powerful air conditioning units that toil outdoors. They advised using them in a tent. I told them the two of us just had a pavilion plus they suggested wrapping the pavilion with tarps or blankets. The two of us undoubtedly had a bunch of tarps in the back of my truck plus the two of us successfully wrapped the pavilion before the air conditioning rentals arrived. When those machines were set up, the cooling inside of the pavilion was amazing. There was plenty of space in there for pretty much everyone! I also was cooking the food with an air conditioning vent pointed at myself and others so I was able to keep cool as well. It truthfully was the perfect time with wonderful music, food, dealer, plus card games!
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