Just don’t understand the Heating & A/C in that diner

We were seated sort of in the middle of the living room & right away, the two of us were both quite warm.

I can’t speak for anyone else but one of the toughest sacrifices while I was in the pandemic for myself and others was dining out. While the two of us stuck close to the Heating & A/C safety & security of up-to-date home while I was in the worst of the pandemic, the two of us didn’t eat out once. Sure, there were times where the two of us got some sort of take out. But that’s not someplace close to enjoying a night out at a lovely diner. Instead, the two of us stayed inside our own heating & cooling comfort & missed our date mornings. My wifey & I both are sort of amatuer foodies. This is something that we’ve shared for the entirety of our relationship. So once the two of us were vaccinated, the first thing the two of us did was go out to eat. And the two of us chose a diner that was up-to-date to us. I have to say that the two of us were so gleeful to be dining out that the two of us must have been just vibrating. We were so enthused to be able to have a nice dining experience again. But wow, that long sought after dining experienced was simply ruined by terrible Heating & A/C equipment. We were seated sort of in the middle of the living room & right away, the two of us were both quite warm. I asked the employer if they could lower the temperature control setting as the two of us needed more air conditioner. He was clearly ashamed to admit that the Heating & A/C equipment was running non stop as it was. I was sort of shocked & puzzled by this. I mean who does that? Quality Heating & A/C equipment is sort of a fundamental basic when it comes to running a diner right?

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