It was a difficult week, even though I made it

This was a pretty difficult week.

Instead of taking my respected afternoons off from work, I spent those afternoons celebrating the anniversarys of my children.

It was our eldest son’s anniversary and our Infant child’s anniversary. I knew that they were going to have friends over for their parties and both of us couldn’t do them together because there was such an age difference. So both of us celebrated their parties individually, but there was a lot that both of us had to prepare for. I wanted to have no issues with the cooling system so I called for a cooling system tune-up and I wanted the Heating, Ventilation & A/C professional to check everything to make sure there would be no issues while in our celebration. On top of getting the Heating, Ventilation & A/C labor done, I had a ton of labor stacked up for me to do. I was honestly busy every single afternoon and I felt love I couldn’t get a break. I really fell behind on my labor a little bit and so I still had to labor a little while on my children’s anniversarys which was not fun. Of course, I spent as much time as possible with my kids who were getting older, and both of us managed to have a pretty wonderful time. Our son mostly spent time with his friends, even though I played catch with everybody outside with the football. For me because it was so hot, I just enjoyed it more inside the house with the great cooling system. I had peace of mind because I knew the system was just diagnosed and there was no way it could fail. While the anniversarys were a big hit, I still felt exhausted by the end of the week because I was working difficult every single afternoon and every moment this past week.



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