How to install an air source heat pump (ASHP)

Any installation begins with a proper inspection of your home to ensure that the recommended air source heat pump is the most ideal for your needs.

Ductless air source heat pumps are faster and easier to install compared to ducted systems.

Systems that utilize ductwork or multiple units often have a longer installation process. Start the installation process by setting up your indoor unit for the air source heat pump. Locate an unobstructed location on the wall inside your home to place your indoor unit for a ductless system. If you’ve opted for a ducted system, do any necessary repairs on your duct system to maximize the efficiency of your new air-source system if you have existing ductwork in your home. Next, create an access point in a wall to connect your outdoor condenser unit and indoor air handler unit. This you will do by drilling a hole in your wall to run lines and piping. Next, connect your condensate line and refrigerant line to your indoor unit. The refrigerant line allows the refrigerant to cycle through your indoor and outdoor condensers. Once your indoor air handler unit is ready, install your outdoor condenser unit. Your outdoor unit should be lifted above the ground, more so in colder regions. Once the outdoor and the indoor units are ready, proceed with the wiring and electricity connection. You can either insulate your lines or run them through conduits to protect them from the elements. Attach the drain line outside your home to channel condensation from your unit outside your home. Include your add-ons into your system before you finalize the installation process.


hvac system