How long will it go on?

We have had this silly non stop frosty front of weather swoop in on us this Last week and a half and it has been never ending… I have had to crank my central gas furnace like crazy! The central heating has not stopped ever since.

Not even for 5 sixths! I am not making this up or overblowing the truth a bit, the central gas furnace has been literally going non-stop; When will it all end? Having my central heating and a/c running this long with not even a short break has been making my electric bill ultra high. I really do not dig paying these high electric bills like this because of having to crank my central gas furnace all of the time, and something has gotta deliver anywhere, somehow! According to the weather forecast, this may see a little bit of a break starting next week! But next week can not get here soon enough. I am really losing my cool with having to crank the central heating non-stop like this. In all of my life I have never seen anything quite like this. As a matter of fact, no one in this area has and both of us are all thinking the same thing about the heating running all of the time and just wanting it to stop because of those gosh darn super ultra high electric bills! Roll on next week is all I have to say about it all. It just can not come soon enough so I can lower the temperature control on my heater!

HVAC duct