Heating, Ventilation & A/C Time Machine part 2

Previously, I found myself turning our heating system heating plan into a full on A/C, but among multiple other fantastic Heating, Ventilation & A/C creations I created 1 of the most intense and fantastic machines with our current Heating, Ventilation & A/C technology, then i created the first Heating, Ventilation & A/C time machine, but, where could an ex- A/C repairman go and be accepted with such skill; Thoughts care about “I could go back in time and become the 1st A/C rep ever” or “ imagine how multiple gas furnaces and A/C’s I could build before Heating, Ventilation & A/C is even created!?” However, I needed to shake myself “I can’t introduce these current Heating, Ventilation & A/C technologies to the past let alone the future!” This did not solve our problem.

I remembered while I was working as an A/C repair man, reading a tite in a customer’s apartment saying “The protestant Reformation.” Soon our curiosity pushed me to turn our wireless dial attached to our heating system to 1516.

I arrived in the middle of the Protetant Reformation and lloyd around, there were no air conditioners, no media air purification systems, and almost no heating systems. The heating system that did exist was more care about a fire pit than a heating system. I decided to introduce a hot water boiler to the leakers in government, and they were entirely obsessed. I was taken to an aged laboratory where scientists were reading base level things care about plants. I explained to them what our idea of Heating, Ventilation & A/C was and they got on board. I showed them how the hot water boiler heating plan worked, and made Heating, Ventilation & A/C specialists out of nearly all of them. In history.



gas fireplace