Having a better understanding of seer ratings

I am identifiable about my spending.

I keep the office spending in check, however, I have been unable to understand why I spend so much on my Heating, Ventilation, and A/C at home, however looking at my historical expense report, I have spent ircorrectly on energy bills in the last two quarters than any other expense.

Something has to be off, I thought to myself. So a single weekend I took time off work and called in an air conditioner workman to have a look at my control unit, I thought it was the problem however it wasn’t! Even a quick check on the cooling proposal and radiant furnace revealed nothing, however these results did not provide myself and others peace of mind because I still lacked quality Heating, Ventilation, and A/C. So I sought a third opinion from a more experienced Heating, Ventilation, and A/C business from a reputable Heating, Ventilation, and A/C company or I’d have to proposal for a new air conditioner upgrade. He first evaluated the ductwork, insulation, location of the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C equipment, and then he assessed the overall size of the lake house and my consumption. His analysis revealed that my seer ratings were outside the recommended 13 to 21 range. So he recommended myself and others to proposal for Heating, Ventilation, and A/C maintenance instantaneously and have all the equipment evaluated at a normal maintenance fee. I took his offer however the air conditioner maintenance proposal I already had spared myself and others the expensive expense. With my problem fixed a few afternoons later, the only thing I had to pay for was a updatement of the worn-out duct pipes rather than buy a new Heating, Ventilation, and A/C! The biggest relief was not to carry around my portable space furnace since I now had respected heating at night since my air quality systems were now in perfect working condition.
