Happy to sleep with air con again

The goal is to slow down with the Heating and A/C tech toil and speed up with the songs once it gets some traction

It is now Tuesday and our band will meet up again in two days, but where my friend and I will play is a mystery because the police told us my friend and I can’t play in the streets with amplified sound anymore. My associate and I may go play on this pier where it seems that the cops don’t come, and if my friend and I can play there with some amplified sound without getting harassed then that will be our new practice spot. My associate and I just want to play and record our songs without the cops always bothering us at the local corporation about making noise, which doesn’t seem like it should be too much to ask, right? My associate and I are trying to get a climate controlled caravan so my friend and I can just go from village to village and play before the police get on us. My associate and I will just blow into a village and play in the busy areas and then split out before the fuzz gets wind of us playing. My associate and I also want to play in heated bars in the winter time so my friend and I aren’t out on the streets without any heating device, my associate and I get our corporation cards in a couple of days and are going to flood all of the bars in our village and others to see if my friend and I get any bites. The goal is to slow down with the Heating and A/C tech toil and speed up with the songs once it gets some traction. I suppose I could toil part time in the heating and cooling corporation for a while till I get fatigued of it and just want to do songs full time.



air conditioning company