Creating a personal fitness program

Each one utilized a lot of yoga poses in their training

Recovering following an accident was really difficult. Now that it is behind me, I can see that the accident was a blessing in disguise. Due to the injuries I sustained, I am in better health than I ever was before. Everyone in my family are plus-sized people, partially because of genetics and also due to a diet full of dairy products, red meat and bread. The only vegetable we used to have as a side was potatoes smothered in butter, sour cream, cheese and bacon. That is just a sample of how unhealthy the meals were that my family ate! After getting hurt and going through rehabilitation, physical fitness became a big priority in my life. I joined a group physical training class, hoping to improve my strength and range of motion and prepare to get back to my normal lifestyle. I knew I had to move slowly before I was able to truly exercise with no limitations. That meant a few weeks of nothing but warming up my muscles and working on stretching and flexibility. After I got used to visiting the gym every day, I reached out to a personal trainer to create a customized workout program for me. My final goal was not strictly weight loss, but a total health regiment that would include nutritional counseling as well. I spoke with multiple different personal trainers, to provide a better perspective and variety of workout options. I have gotten a lot of benefit from each personal trainer. Each one utilized a lot of yoga poses in their training. I have seen that yoga strategies can really help with an overall health program. I am working to increase my balance, strength, endurance and even mental health.


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