Clearly our son was not mature enough to go without a babysitter

Ever since we thought our son was outdated enough we quit getting a babysitter to watch him when we would go out.

This turned out to be a mistake because it was just not mature enough to handle the responsibility of taking care of the house.

I mean all he had to do was relax, do his homework, plus maybe watch some TV while we were away. Instead, he was blasting the air conditioner by changing the control unit plus he ended up splitting down the air conditioner system 1 time because he set the air conditioner way too high. I ended up having to call for emergency HVAC service because I can’t sleep at night without air conditioner. I can’t mess around when it comes to my work, so I consistently must be well rested. The last time we let our son remain cabin without a babysitter was the final straw. Even after he promised not to cause any issues, he did. He called us up plus said the air conditioner system wasn’t working again. So we ended up calling an HVAC professional again to come out during emergency HVAC hours. It turned out that there wasn’t anything wrong at all with the air conditioner system, our son just thought it would be funny to see what happened. Well, he l gained what would happen alright. After paying for an luxurious service call that was many times the cost of a respected call, our son was grounded for the remainder of the summer. The two of us also got him a babysitter after that because clearly he was not mature enough to handle himself. He tried apologizing, but it was too late for him.

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