Back in the fall I had the worst dust irritations

Last year in the fall, I ended up having the worst dust irritations ever. I’ve always had some trouble with dust irritations, however this was the worst that it had ever been. Not only that, however our husband started having some issues with his dust irritations, too. All of us couldn’t figure out what in the world was going on with us, especially since our allergy dentist said that he wasn’t sure which medications that he should give to us, however let’s keep in mind that I had already used all kinds of weird allergy medications off & on over the years at this point. He said that he thought that all of us should try a weird tactic instead of trying to go with medications again. I thought it was an interesting plan when he told us that all of us should call our HVAC company to talk to them about our allergy problems instead. Apparently, there are certain kinds of allergen reducing air filters called HEPA filters that you can purchase & install in your HVAC units. He told us that if these HEPA filters don’t help then the next thing that you can do is have your air vents & ventilation ducts professionally cleaned out. He even recommended that all of us install something called a UV light air purification plan to run along with our existing heating & cooling system. Once all of us called the HVAC serviceman & set up the appointment, I was amazed at the difference that the air purification system made to our dust irritations! Now that it runs along with our HVAC system, it greatly improves the indoor air quality inside our house & helps with our allergy symptoms.

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