Author: admin

Moving for better air quality

Do you suffer from flu symptoms? I wish I could say that I did not, however I’ve had a whole set of respiratory troubles since the day I was born. If it’s not pollen & dust, it’s dirt & dander that are pissing off my lungs & nostrils. Now, you’d guess my family would guess […]

All you can do is educate them

I appreciate my family, however they also drive me totally insane. I guess sometimes both of us just can’t see eye to eye as adults because they still see me as being a child. It’s infuriating to think adore I have grown up wisdom to offer, however no one to hear me out. At the […]

Moving for better air quality

Do you suffer from allergies? I wish I could say that I did not, however I’ve had a whole set of respiratory concerns since the afternoon I was born. If it’s not pollen and dust, it’s dirt and dander that are pissing off our lungs and nostrils. Now, you’d know our family would know about […]

Insulation has made a sizable difference

If I’m fair about our largest fears in life, I’ve been upset most about cash. I’m not from 1 of those situations that lets me relax. And, lord, am I tied up out all the time. Especially about the air that I breathe. I mean, these afternoons I know a lot of us are upset […]

The bedroom crew broke the wall AC

I work in a pizza restaurant that makes pizza, stromboli, pasta, and garlic bread, then the two of us are rated more than four stars by all of the local magazines. The family room is always full of guests! Inside the bedroom, the indoor air un-even temperatures are always absolutely warm and stuffy. The two […]

The bedroom crew broke the wall AC

I work in a pizza steakhouse that makes pizza, stromboli, pasta, & garlic bread… The people I was with and I are rated more than four stars by all of the local magazines. The living room is always full of guests… Inside the bedroom, the indoor air temperatures are always actually sizzling & stuffy. The […]

The sizzling sun was too much for the crew

My family has been racing cars since the 1920’s, my Grandpa l gained how to drive fast so he could outrun the police while I was in the days of prohibition. The people I was with and I started stock car racing about twenty years later. My Mom opened a car dealership in the fifties, […]

The hot sun was too much for the crew

My family has been racing cars since the 1920’s, my Grandpa l gained how to drive fast so he could outrun the police during the mornings of prohibition. All of us started stock car racing about twenty years later. My dad opened a car dealership in the fifties; He sold pontiacs to almost everyone in […]