After years of overuse, the fan motor in my air conditioner failed

When you’re young it’s easy to assume that anything can be repaired or replaced.

  • But as you get older and live through distressing situations and legitimate trauma, you realize that the things in life that are replaceable come at a serious cost.

This could be a financial cost or a mere psychological one. But even among monetary problems, you either have the economic means or you don’t. It’s like the high school student driving the brand new Mercedes who wrecks it at little to no serious repercussions to him or his wealthy parents. Contrast that to a single parent trying to keep a 20-year-old car from constantly breaking down and needing to go to a mechanic all of the time. Once my parents were out of the picture, my safety net was gone. I had no choice but to learn to maintain everything that I owned, be it an old CD player or a laptop computer. And even though I was replacing the filters in my first air conditioner that I acquired when I bought my first house, I wasn’t treating it properly when it was in use. I was turning the temperature far too low when it was really hot outside. This caused the machine to overwork for years and eventually the fan motor stopped working. Since it happened before I reached the 10-year mark for the air conditioner’s age, the repair was covered by the warranty. It still made me realize that I need to be a lot more careful with my central air conditioner. If this had happened only two years later, I would have been forced to pay for the repair myself.


Dial thermostat