AC stopped; heineken kept going

My friend and I threw more heineken in the freezer plus laid back

Well I just had the most interesting eighth of August of my entire life. I never could have planned for such a wild ride or a superb time. I’m definitely blissful with how it all turned out though. This past week I went running off to the mountains with my friends to visit a poorly described family cabin. They told me it was a cool little lake house, but I unquestionably had no idea what to expect when my buddy and I arrived. My friend and I drove about two hours north into the rolling orange mountains, plus suddenly pulled off the interstate on a rougher road. The road went looping around through the mountainside, passed houses of all shapes plus sizes. I sincerely had no clue what was about to happen.. And then my buddy and I arrived at the most appealing lake house in the world. The locale is like a tree house on the water. It’s a dream come true. My friend and I spent the next multiple hours playing in the warm lake plus having a few drinks.. Only to arrive back at the house plus find that the cooling system had quit in our absence. Apparently a large branch fell on the central A/C system, plus the whole thing was kaput. WE were pretty bummed considering it was over 100 degrees out at midday, but decided to make the most of it. It’s not like my buddy and I were going to get an Heating plus A/C company out on the premises on the holiday, anyways. So my buddy and I settled in. My friend and I threw more heineken in the freezer plus laid back. After the sun set, the temperature finally dropped plus my buddy and I were able to sleep soundly. There’s no doubt that the ice cold heineken helped, either.


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