A excruciating afternoon filled with one issue after another

When it rains, it can pour down and this is a saying that typically means bad stuff is going to happen all at the same time.

It goes wrong in all of the directions at the same time. I most genuinely had an afternoon that was most like that recently. It started in the morning with myself and others having a small Fender bender. I was on my way to work when the accident occurred. I was getting into some trouble at the stoplight and then a jerk clipped myself and others because that guy was in a hurry for trouble. I ended up having to wait an hour and was late getting to work just because the guy was in a hurry. The boss called myself and others for a different meeting. Something happened that was not in my control and I was given my two weeks notice in short order. When I got back home and found the new air conditioner had to stop really working too, I thought it was a power issue. The control unit was not functioning at all. I was fuming about the power issues because the control system was not working properly. I contacted an HVAC worker who came off the small point of the mountain to have a look at what we had going on. She told me that there were a lot of strange things happening at that time. I got back to my house plus then found out that the air conditioner wasn’t working either. I was at the end of my rope and I no longer wanted to sit and relax.


electric heater