A bookworm

I was plus still am a bookworm however not in your average nerdy bookworm; No, rather than reading normal books I prefered to study manuals… I liked to work with my hands plus reading manuals with guidelines on how to piece things together was aiding my proficiency to learn how to do things by myself, then so when I found an seasoned manual about heating plus air conditioner units I wasted no time in reading it. It covered everything there was to guess about heating plus cooling technology; Heater replacements, installing your new air conditioner, air conditioner repair, media air purification systems, whole condo heating systems, electric heaters, oil heating systems, HVAC services plus much more. I turned this care about of reading into a United Statesble skill. I started to practice repairing heating systems plus cooling systems on my own time. It didn’t take me long before I got good with all things heating plus cooling related plus I even found a instructor who took me along to home calls plus showed me how to do the job one on one, and all this experience soon led me to getting a highly sought after position at a large HVAC supplier plus it was one of the best things that could have ever happened to me. I began to make a lot of money, way more money than I was making before plus that led to me being able to provide things for my family that I couldn’t before, and life was great, I l gained a new skill plus now had a secure job. It wasn’t long before I picked up another manual plus began to study again.


HEPA filter