I had no way to call the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C dealer.

During a single of our recent snowstorms, the electricity was out for 2 days.

When the power came back on, our gas furnace didn’t.

That’s when I realized our iphones had no signal, but the iphone corporation was working on the problem. I had no way to call the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C corporation when our iphones weren’t working. We drove almost fifty miles until the two of us found a locale where the two of us had a signal. I called the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C corporation plus told them what happened to our gas furnace. She asked if she could call back plus give us an approximate time for her arrival. We sat in the car, fifty miles from home, plus waited for the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C corporation to call back. Two hours later, they called. She said she didn’t have an appointment for 2 days, plus that was at 3 PM. We took the appointment plus thanked him. She said the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C serviceman would call when she was on the way. I was hoping the two of us would have a iphone signal by then, plus I said that to the dispatcher. She sighed plus told us to make sure the two of us were beach condo that afternoon. She would let the Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C serviceman believe about the iphone signal. If no a single answered, she was supposed to just show up at the house. Two days later, my spouse plus I were sitting in the house, waiting for the iphone call. When no a single called by 4 PM, I called them. Whoever answered said they tried to call, but no a single answered. I asked what happened to the dispatcher telling them our iphones didn’t work, plus all she could say was no a single told them.

Furnace filter