My buddy thinks he may have messed up with his advice column

A good friend of mine actually started up this advice column that has become incredibly popular.

The crazy thing is, he writes the column under a female pseudonym.

He wanted to be entirely anonymous when writing the advice column and he figured it would gain more popularity if it was written by a female. It honestly seems to be the case because he has all kinds of people asking for advice on a regular basis. He even talks a lot about the importance of keeping up with HVAC system maintenance and investing in HVAC components to improve air quality in the household. People really love that he speaks about taking good care of the HVAC system and getting regular HVAC system maintenance. A lot of people say that ‘she’ should consider getting into the HVAC industry because they really need more females out there doing HVAC work. My buddy sometimes tells me that he wishes he never used the female pseudonym because he says it feels like he is deceiving all these people. He has been asked to be in interviews and things of that nature, but for obvious reasons he has to decline. He wonders if it will all fall apart when everybody learns that he is really a man and not a woman writing this advice column. I would hope that people would understand that he really just wanted to remain anonymous and do this as a hobby, but people might take it the wrong way. I mean let’s face it, nobody likes to be deceived especially when they are asking for good advice.



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