It’s just too darn cold

The thing is, I am just plain old lazy

I have a really great central heating and air conditioning system. Especially the central air conditioning. However, it is so great and powerful that the air conditioning can tend to be a bit too cold at times. I set the thermostat at a reasonable 75 degrees and it sometimes will get as cold as 72 in my house if I am not careful in turning off the thermostat when I feel it getting too cold. This has been an ongoing issue with my central air conditioning system unit. The only viable solution would be to get a programmable smart thermostat. With one of those types of thermostats, I will be able to program the thermostat to shut off when it needs to. I wouldn’t have to deal with the issue of my overly powerful air conditioning system making the house too cold. The thing is, I am just plain old lazy. I always say to myself I am going to get a programmable smart thermostat, and then it slips my mind and I never go and do it. I am actually going to make it a point this weekend to go out and buy one of those programmable smart thermostats. I am going to make myself a note and stick it on the bathroom mirror so I do not forget! This is going to be the only way in the world I know that I will remember to go out and buy that programmable smart thermostat to start enjoying my powerful central air conditioning system properly without freezing to death!


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