Author: admin

We saved money on Heating & Air Conditioning

Finally, it seemed quite blatant that dealing with the brutal heat and humidity of my modern apartment region was necessary. Once both of us moved into the South, Bob and I were totally blown away by the brutal heat and humidity during the summer time weeks, basically from July through August, I did not want […]

Adding air conditioner to the Florida Room

It’s difficult to think just how much Bob and I care about the addition to our home. Bob calls it a sunroom however it’s a lot more than that. It’s enjoy a whole other part of our house that is enclosed however feels just like I’m still standing outside. The modern addition has just changed […]

Steps to help someone with hypothermia

Hypothermia is when your body starts to lose heat, and it cannot produce heat fast enough. An easy way to remember what hypothermia means is that the prefix hypo means low, the root word therm means heat, and the suffix “ia” means pertaining to. Hypothermia is caused by being exposed to extremely cold weather for […]